Learn how the power of daily intentions can bring about amazing changes in your life.
Intentions are the starting point of any dream or goal because they act as a guiding light to give your life focus and direction. It’s just like using a GPS. Instead of wandering aimlessly each day and allowing things to happen to you, when using intentions you have more control and can direct your course. As a result, living with intention you can create amazing changes and bring about the life of your dreams.
It doesn’t take long to set an intention which makes it a great daily practice. However intentions can be set at any time – daily, weekly, or monthly. They can also be supercharged by setting them at every new moon. They can be used to support your goals. And they can also be used as a form of self-improvement. Use them for any aspect of your life where you want to see improvement.
Intentions are designed to be flexible, which means that you can make adjustment along the way. This is the reason that I love to use daily intentions which can change from day to day. When I wake up every morning I can review the previous day and then make a decision on how I want to move forward with my intention for the coming day.
You can write your daily intentions in your daily journal, or use printable intention cards that are small enough to carry with you throughout the day and act as a constant reminder. You can even use the cards as bookmarks, or tuck them into your journal.
Goals vs Intentions
Intentions shouldn’t be confused with goals; they are different things. Goals are about doing, and intentions are about being.
Goals are things that you wish to attain sometime in the future. They are practical and well defined. With a goal you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. A goal has a beginning and an end.
Examples of goals
Learn how to master a musical instrument. Start an online business. Learn how to draw or paint.
Intentions are set in the present moment, and are guiding principles that help you to create alignment in your life. They can be used as inner guidance and direction for all your choices and your energy. Intentions are flexible, flowing and not limited to a beginning or an end. You can use intentions as part of your goal setting system.
Examples of intentions
I intend to be more mindful about the things that I eat and the exercise I do as a way to improving my health. Or I intend to keep an open mind and become more receptive to clarity, inspiration, and any information that will guide me toward my goals.
How to Set Daily Intentions in Two Steps
Setting daily intentions doesn’t have to be a difficult process and only takes a few minutes which makes it an ideal daily practice. The more you practice, the better you get, and the quicker you’ll see results. I always like to keep things simple so I’ve narrowed it down to two simple steps.
1. Get Clear
Get clear about what you desire. If setting an intention for a goal, identify the underlying emotion or feeling that you will experience once you have attained the goal. If you dig deep enough, every goal has an underlying emotion attached to it.
For example, if your goal is to learn a new hobby, the feeling associated with that may be that you want to feel more creative. I intend to feel more creative. If your goal is to buy a new car, the feeling may be one of freedom. I intend to manifest a greater sense of freedom.
Intentions of course don’t have to be associated with a goal, they can simply be a desired emotion or feeling used as an expression toward self-improvement. It could be a desire to be less critical. I intend to be less critical. Or it could be choosing to be happy and content with things as they are. I intend to be happy and content with things just the way they are.
2. Surrender
Once you’ve set an intention, let it go and detach from it. This is usually easier said then done because the purpose of an intention is to bring about change in your life which is something you definitely want to see happen.
But surrender doesn’t mean giving up. It simply means allowing things to just be and not forcing them to happen. It’s having faith that your mindful and intentional actions will result in the desired outcome.
Add Some Magic Dust to Your Daily Intentions
You can add a touch of magic to your intention setting process by simply being grateful.
Keeping a daily gratitude journal is a magical process that will bring about change to your life simply by helping you appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t have.
Be grateful for all the things that are in your life right now whether they are perfect or not, and be grateful for all the things that are being drawn to you through intentional living.
Where intention goes, energy flows
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