How to Make a Manifestation Journal

by LindaM

How to Make a Creative Manifestation Journal and Bring Your Dreams to Life

Learn how to make your own creative manifestation journal then use it as a place to dream big dreams and achieve your goals in a fun and creative way.

We all dream about things that we’d like to be, do or have, but sometimes those dreams can seem far away and out of reach. A dream however is just the imaginary vision of what you’d like to achieve. The secret to making those dreams come true is by setting goals and taking action. Where dreams open the doorway to possibility, goals act as the stepping stones to bring those dreams to life.

You are never too old to set a new goal
or to dream a new dream.
– C.S. Lewis –

Make Goal Setting Fun

Setting goals is a great way to get what you want in life. Goals keep us focused and allow us to measure our progress. They motivate us to keep going, even when times become challenging. Having goals provides you with a clear plan together with steps to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve.

Goals and tasks are elements grounded in practical reality while visual journaling techniques are creative and spontaneous. When we combine these things, the result is a journal that is designed to be a fun and exciting roadmap to manifesting our dreams.

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What is a Creative Manifestation Journal

A Creative Manifestation Journal holds a unique vision of what your personal dreams look like. Part junk journal, part planner, part contemplative journal – this journal provides a way for you to consciously create and bring your dreams to life.

The journal is used to gather and collate information, thoughts and ideas related to your goals and dreams and keep them all in one place. Keeping all your thoughts and ideas in one place not only makes it easy for you to stay organized it also sets you up for success, because every time you open the journal, all your dreams and plans are laid out – right there in front of you in vivid detail.

What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.
– Buddha –

You could of course buy a self-guided journal such as the 100-Day Guided Manifestation Journal or This Year I will, but I find that after a while the repetitiveness of these types of journals becomes boring and predictable, or eventually just starts to feel like hard work. When things stop being fun and easy, the power of manifestation is diluted. A Creative Manifestation Journal on the other hand never becomes boring or predictable; it’s a work in progress and an ever-changing reflection of your unique vision.

Commit to the Process

Your time commitment should be at least a few minutes a day, or more if you have the time, for however long it takes to realize your dreams. The more you spend time with your journal, the more often you’re reminded of what it’s there for, and the better your chance of success becomes.

Realizing big dreams and achieving big goals is a process and it doesn’t magically happen overnight.

The best thing about a Creative Manifestation Journal is that it’s creative and fun to work with so it’s a journal that you’ll enjoy using every day.

One year from now when you look back,
you’re going to be amazed at just how much you’ve achieved.

Supplies for your Manifestation Journal

If you do any type of paper crafting, you’ll probably already have most of these items in your stash.

  • A blank notebook
    You can use any type of blank notebook or journal. I’m using this type of blank spiral notebook because I had one on hand, however you could also use a Moleskine notebook with either a hard cover or soft cover. Moleskine is one of my favorite types of journals because the pages are quite thick and suitable for creative journaling, and also because they’re so beautiful to write on. Alternatively you could even use a refillable notebook binder with pre-punched paper which gives you flexibility if you decide you want to move your pages around.
  • Images and Planner Essentials
    For embellishing your journal and for creating a vision board you’ll need some images. You can cut images from magazines, or you can print out your own images sourced from free online photo websites such as Pixabay. Or use commercial clipart. You’ll also need some planner essentials such as a monthly calendar, to do list, tracker, etc. These can be drawn by hand, or to make it easy for you to get started, I designed this printable manifestation starter kit which includes images and basic planner elements.
  • Markers
    Colored markers such as these caligraphy markers are ideal for doing some decorative hand lettering.
  • Pen
    A pen such as a gel pen for writing.
  • Scissors
    Small sharp craft scissors
  • Glue
    Craft glue or gluestick
  • Washi Tape
    Washi tape for taping things into the journal and for adding embellishment

Stay Organized

Once you’ve gathered your supplies, use a wooden tray which is what I use, or a lovely storage box to keep everything in one place.

When you’re ready to work on your journal, simply grab the tray or box and get started. With everything in one place you have no excuse for procrastinating because you can’t find things.

How to Make a Creative Manifestation Journal and Bring Your Dreams to Life

Plan Your Pages

Making a plan involves turning your dream into a goal, breaking it down into small achievable tasks, and then taking action by doing the things you need to do in order to reach your goal and ultimately realize your dream. Your dreams won’t come to life overnight, but by taking small actionable steps, one year from now you’ll be amazed by how much closer you are to seeing your dreams come true.

A goal is the pathway to your dream but that pathway is not always straightforward or easy. Goals need to be written down so they can be measured and assessed regularly.

Think about one or two big things you want to achieve this year. Don’t choose too many otherwise it will become overwhelming. Maybe it’s decluttering your house and/or life, or perhaps starting a new business. Then break that big goal down into small daily tasks; things you can achieve during the course of a day.

How to Make a Creative Manifestation Journal and Bring Your Dreams to Life

Combine the Practical with the Creative

In my manifestation journal I combine the practical with the creative aspects of my goals.

Tasks are there to lead the way, but I can also use words and images to create a visual picture of what my dreams really look like. My pages contain feelings and emotions which help to guide me on my path toward my dream.

The ultimate goal never changes, however the journey to get there often ebbs and flows.

To make my pages I’m mostly using the clipart from the Printable Manifestation Journal Planner Kit. Plus I’ve also combined some images and words cut from magazine pages.

Bring Your Dreams to Life using a Creative Manifestation Journal

Getting the Most from your Manifestation Journal

The ideal way to use this type of journal is to spend a few minutes every day working on it. Keep things simple. Focus on only a couple of goals every week or every month so it doesn’t become overwhelming.

Use a daily tracker so that you have a reason to open your journal every day to update it. As a result, your journal won’t get forgotten about. Rather, it becomes a constant reminder of the things you hope to achieve.

Include pictures and photos of things that you dream of being, doing or having. Include favorite quotes and sayings to keep you inspired.

Much like a vision board, working in your manifestation journal will keep you on track to achieving your dreams and goals.

Bring Your Dreams to Life using a Creative Manifestation Journal

Manifestation Journal Printables

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How to Make a Creative Manifestation Journal and Bring Your Dreams to Life

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